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GlumicaMila Jovović (43) oglasila se zbog donošenja zakona u američkim državama, a tiče se žena i prava na abortus posle šeste nedelje trudnoće, i podelila svoje bolno iskustvo kroz koje je prošla pre dve godine kada je imala spontani pobačaj.

Revoltirana donošenjem zakona kojim se ženama uskraćuje pravo na abortus nakon šeste nedelje trudnoće u šest američkih saveznih država Mila Jovović je napisala potresnu poruku. Prvi put je progovorila o gubitku bebe u četvrtom mesecu trudnoće, koji joj se dogodio pre dve godine.

foto: Adria Media TV

- Pre dve godine sam imala spontani pobačaj. Bila sam trudna četiri i po meseca i snimala sam na lokaciji u istočnoj Evropi. Došlo je do komplikacija i dobila sam preuranjene trudove. Abortus je u tom trenutku bio jedino rešenje. Nisu mi dali nikakvu anesteziju, morala sam da budem budna tokom celog zahvata. To je bio jedno od najstrašnijih iskustava koje sam u životu doživela. I danas imam noćne more jer sam bila sama i bespomoćna. Kada pomislim da bi žene mogle da prolaze kroz abortuse u još gorim uslovima zbog novog zakona, želudac mi se okrene - napisala je Mila na svom profilu na društvenoj mreži Instagram, a onda otkila i koliko joj je zbog ćerki bilo teško da prolazi kroz sve to.

Missouri is the latest state to jump on the “6 week abortion ban”. They join Georgia, Alabama, Kentucky, Iowa and many more. Though most women have no clue they are even pregnant at six weeks, these states are signing “Heartbeat Bills” that they would like to see made into law. What’s this all about? At 6 weeks, doctors can detect a “rhythm” that looks like a heart beat, but science has proven that it’s not. An embryo doesn’t have a heart at 6 weeks, it is a 3-4 millimeter group of cells with NO DEVELOPED ORGANS. Thanks to modern day ultrasound technology, doctors can catch an electrical activity-a rhythmic pulsing-of cells that are just starting to group themselves together in ways that might eventually grow into a heart. But there is no “beating heart” and no guarantee that one will develop. Miscarriages up to the 8th week of pregnancy are usually indistinguishable from a heavy period. This is the reality. Here’s another reality. These bills are being signed with NO EXCEPTIONS for RAPE, INCEST or SEXUAL TRAFFICKING. In Iowa, there’s an 11 year old child who has become pregnant after being repeatedly raped by a 26 year old man. She is one of the “women” who will be penalized by these bills for being a victim of assault. Another fact: Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey actually signed a “Heartbeat Bill” on Wednesday. Yesterday. Ironically, Alabama and many of the other states trying to get these bills passed have the HIGHEST INFANT MORTALITY RATES IN THE COUNTRY. These state’s governments show the least concern for maternal and infant health in general and are ready to put more women’s lives at an even greater risk. I want to call out to the men in this country. You have to support us and stand in solidarity with us on these issues. We can’t be the only ones fighting for these rights. Because in the end, it takes the two of us for one of us to be pregnant. You need to speak out on social media. You need to call your state governors and representatives and add your voices to ours. Fill up their mailboxes, their voicemails and their social media pages in protest to these heartless and ignorant attacks on our reproductive freedom. These are historic times. Let’s make history.

Објава коју дели Milla Jovovich (@millajovovich) дана

Mila ima dve ćerke Ever Gabo (11) I Dašijel Idan (4) koje je dobila pre ovog bolnog iskustva.

- Upala sam u najgoru depresiju i bilo je potrebno mnogo rada i truda kako bih se oporavila. Prestala sam da snimam, mesec dana sam provela u izolaciji, a sve vreme sam morala da budem snažna zbog moje dve ćerke. Počela sam da se bavim baštovanstvom, jela sam zdravije, svakoga dana sam išla u teretanu jer nisam htela da se okrenem lekovima dok prethodno ne probam sve - istakla je Mila.

Glumica je priznala da nije želela da pije lekove, ali da je ovo sećanje progoni.

- Nisam htela da pijem lekove. Uspela sam da se iskobeljam iz pakla depresije bez antidepresiva, ali sećanje na to što sam prošla i šta sam izgubila pratiće me sve do smrti. Abortus je noćna mora u svom najboljem izdanju. Nijedna žena ne želi da prođe kroz to. Nikada nisam htela da pričam o ovome, ali sada ne mogu da ćutim. Prava žena na siguran abortus su ugrožena. Neke žene pre šeste nedelje uopšte ni ne znaju da su trudne, a zakon zabranjuje pobačaj i u slučaju incesta ili silovanja - navela je glumica. Profimedia

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