(VIDEO) IMALA JE 89 KG I MUŽA KOJI JU JE OBOŽAVAO: Kada je smršala, doživela je ŠOK živora!

Žena -

Anđela Krikmor je imala 89 kilograma, a njen suprug joj je govorio da je lepa. Međutim, Anđela se nije dobro osećala u svojoj koži, pa je promenila ishranu i počela da vežba.

Međutim, kada je izgubila kilograme, izgubila je i muža s kojim je bila deset godina, a kojem se njen novi izgled nije svideo.

Anđeline fotografije "pre i posle" prikupile su brojne pratioce na Instagramu koji su u njoj videli inspiraciju za promenu životnih navika. Među njima je pronašla i novu ljubav.

Anđeli, koja se prekvalifikovala za profesionalnog trenera, putem poruka javio se 51-godišnji Mark koji je želeo da vežba s njim tokom puta na Tenerife.

Nakon što su pet dana proveli zajedno, shvatili su da među njima ima nečega i uskoro su počeli da žive zajedno. Nakon dva meseca su se verili.

"Romansa s Markom mi uopšte nije bila na pameti, a prvog dana smo se tek upoznavali. I tada se ni od kuda dogodio taj klik", ispričala je Anđela. Dodala je kako iz prve ruke razume žene koje su u vezi i koje imaju decu, kao i ona, i koje kažu da im je zbog svih obaveza teško da smršaju.

"Teško je, pogotovo ako vašeg partnera ne zanima vežbanje. Morate da budete dvostruko motivisaniji i da zaista želite promenu", zaključila je Anđela.

My top tips to improve our biggest enemy cellulite ??? ........................?Hit the weight room. Exercise is crucial. While there is — shockingly — no specific research on how working out affects cellulite, a toning routine can tighten up the whole package. "Women need to start lifting weights two to three times a week. I'm a big proponent of this," "Resistance exercise acts like fillers for your skin. If your muscles are more defined, your skin will look smoother. "If you lose weight and replace it with muscle, you're going to have a fat layer that's not as thick, and your cellulite is going to improve." ?Scale back. Getting to a healthy weight can help reduce cellulite. Yet just ditching pounds without firming up is not always the no-brainer cellulite-reduction move you would think it is. When you lose weight, "your skin may be more lax, pulling on the septae, and cellulite may become more visible," The younger you are and the better your skin elasticity is, the smoother the results. For the rest of us, strength training is the number-one way to keep things as taut as possible. ?Make your skin stronger. Not young like me? Add Collagen to your diet or Topical treatments that may build collagen in the skin, like Retin-A or creams with retinol or vitamin C ?Stay hydrated Reducing the appearance of dimply skin is as simple as drinking a glass of water. Staying hydrated improves the texture of your skin because it helps your body release excess fluid it may be holding on to. #transformation #eat #eatclean #cellulite #ripped #abs #tbt #dedication #focus #gains #curvy #lean #fit #fitness #lifestyle #water #train #exercise #motivation #protein #skin #beauty #happy #happiness #beach #beautiful #change #light #colageno #diet

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