POSLE POROĐAJA DOVELA TELO DO SAVRŠENSTVA: Ketrin Hejgl otkrila tajnu kako je skinula višak KILOGRAMA za samo 5 NEDELJA!
Foto: Profimedia


POSLE POROĐAJA DOVELA TELO DO SAVRŠENSTVA: Ketrin Hejgl otkrila tajnu kako je skinula višak KILOGRAMA za samo 5 NEDELJA!

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Američka glumica Ketrin Hajgl podelila je sa svojim pratiocima kako je uspela da izgubi postporođajne kilograme i oblikuje svoje telo.

Dok bi mnogi pomislili da Ketrin Hajgl sarađuje sa najboljim svetskim trenerima i nutricionistima, glumica otkriva da je trik za mršavljenje dobila upavo na Instagramu.

U Instagram objavi koja je osvojila skoro 200.000 lajkova, glumačka zvezda je sve zasluge prepisala načinu vežbanja fitnes instruktorke Kajle Itsines, odnosno njenom BBG fitnes programu.

Program vežbanja nudi različite fitnes planove bazirane na različitim potrebama, a Ketrin je radila specijalne vežbe za posle porođaja.

"Super je što možete da ih radite bilo gde, što za mene znači u sobi kod kuće. Neću da lažem, te vežbe su strašno naporne, ali napredak koji sam primetila za pet kratkih nedelja me motivisao da nastavim dalje", istakla je.

Ketrin je ponosna na svoje telo, a posebno joj je drago što je uspela da izgradi trbušne mišiće i zategne zadnjicu pre početka poslovnih projekata.

Ketrin kaže da se bliži leto, a novi film počinje da snima u aprilu, što je motivacija da se oseća vitko, jako i seksi.

It’s been almost 14 months since Joshua Jr was born and it has taken me about that long to really get back in shape. The first pic was taken one month after he was born. The second pic was taken almost a full year later and the last pic was taken this weekend. I wish I had a few from in between the first and second so you could really see how slow my progress was but alas...I was busy covering it all up those months, not posing in my unders! Anyway, I have a beach vacation coming up, a new job I start filming in April and my deep desire to feel fit, strong and sexy propelling me forward the last two months to finally loose the last of my baby weight and do a deep dive search for the ab muscles I knew were buried under that belly somewhere! I was wholly and totally inspired by Miss @rachparcell and the before and after pics she shared after taking the #bbg challenge. I had never heard of it but she looked so damn great (she had her baby just a few months before me) that I had to check it out. I found a fantastic app called #sweat that features several different #bbg programs you can choose from and makes it incredibly easy to do anywhere, which for me means in my bedroom at home! I won’t lie, the workouts are real ass kickers but the progress I’ve made in only 5 short weeks has kept me motivated and inspired to keep going! I am so grateful I’ve had a full year to find those ab muscles and get my butt back up where it belongs and wasn’t forced by work to snap back into shape but it is time to make the strength, fitness and overall health of my body a priority and I am so grateful that @rachparcell shared her story and got this mama motivated!

Објава коју дели Katherine Heigl (@katherineheigl) дана

Kurir.rs/Foto Profimedia


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