ĆERKA MI JE NA PLAŽI PRED SVIMA REKLA DA SAM DEBELA: Moj odgovor će pamiti ceo život!
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ĆERKA MI JE NA PLAŽI PRED SVIMA REKLA DA SAM DEBELA: Moj odgovor će pamiti ceo život!

Žena -

Ćerka mi je danas rekla da sam debela. Bila je ljuta jer sam je naterala da izađem iz vode i rekla je svom bratu da je njihova mama debela. Rekla sam joj da dođe da porazgovaramo.

- Šta si to rekla o meni? - pitala sam je.

- Rekla sam da si debela mama. Izvini - rekla mi je.

- Hajde da malo popričamo o tome. Ja nisam debela. NIKO nije debeo. To nije nešto što možeš da budeš kao osoba. Ali imam višak kilograma. Svi imamo manje ili više viška koji nam štiti kosti i mišiće i daju nam energiju. Da li i ti imaš malo masti? - pitala sam.

- Da, imam malo na stomaku - rekla je.

- Tačno. To imam i ja, a ima i tvoj brat - rekla sam.

- Nemam ja salo, ja sam najmršaviji, imam samo mišiće - uključio se i moj sin.

My daughter called me fat today. She was upset I made them get out of the pool and she told her brother that mama is fat. I told her to meet me upstairs so we could chat. Me: "what did you say about me?" Her: "I said you were fat, mama, im sorry" Me: "let's talk about it. The truth is, I am not fat. No one IS fat. It's not something you can BE. But I do HAVE fat. We ALL have fat. It protects our muscles and our bones and keeps our bodies going by providing us energy. Do you have fat?" Her: "yes! I have some here on my tummy" Me: "that's right! So do I and so does your brother!" Her brother: "I don't have any fat, I'm the skinniest, I just have muscles" Me: "actually everyone, every single person in the world has fat. But each of us has different amounts." Her brother: " oh right! I have some to protect my big muscles! But you have more than me" Me: "Yes, that's true. Some people have a lot, and others don't have very much. But that doesn't mean that one person is better than the other, do you both understand? Both: "yes, mama" Me: "so can you repeat what I said" Them: "yes! I shouldn't say someone is fat because you can't be just fat, but everyone HAS fat and it's okay to have different fat" Me: "exactly right!" Them: "can we go back to the pool now?" Me: no ???????? __________________ Each moment these topics come up i have to choose how I'm going to handle them. Fat is not a bad word in our house. If I shame my children for saying it then I am proving that it is an insulting word and I continue the stigma that being fat is unworthy, gross, comical and undesirable. Since we don't call people fat as an insult in my household, I have to assume she internalized this idea from somewhere or someone else. Our children are fed ideas from every angle, you have to understand that that WILL happen: at a friends house whose parents have different values, watching a tv show or movie, overhearing someone at school- ideas about body image are already filtering through their minds. It is our job to continue to be the loudest, most accepting, positive and CONSISTENT voice they hear. So that it can rise above the rest. Give me a ???????? if this resonated w u! Just do you! Xoxo Allie

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- Zapravo, svaki čovek ima salo, ali u različitim količinama- objasnila sam mu.

- Da, imam i ja malo da mi štiti mišiće, ali ti imaš mnogo više od mene - rekao je on.

- Da, tačno. Neki imaju mnogo, neki malo. Ali to ne znači da je zbog toga neko bolji a neko lošiji. Razumete? - pitala sam ih. Rekli su da razumeju, pa sam im rekla da ponove.

- Ne treba da nazivamo druge debelima, jer svi imaju sala i u redu je biti debeo - rekli su.

- Tačno - rekla sam.

- Dobro, možemo sad nazad u vodu? - pitali su. Rekla sam im ne, kaže ova mama i dodaje da se trudi da uvek uči decu da ne koriste reči debeo kao uvredu.

- Ne dozvoljavam da u mojoj kući ikog vređamo tako što navodimo da je debeo, zato znam da je moja ćerka to kao uvredu čula negde. Hranimo decu idejama na svakom ćošku, i svuda mogu da čuju neku novu uvredu za koju nisu ni znali . Naš posao je da naučimo decu da se izdignu iznad uvreda i da uvek u glavi imaju naše vaspitanje koje im govori da budu pozitivni i da prihvataju sve onakve kakvi jesu - zaključuje ona.

(Kurir.rs/Zena, Foto: Printscreen/Instagram)


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