(VIDEO) OVAKO IZGLEDA SPORA, BOLNA SMRT: Pogledajte snimak zbog kog je plakalo mililon ljudi!
Foto: Printscreen/ Instagram, Foto: Printscreen/ Instagram


(VIDEO) OVAKO IZGLEDA SPORA, BOLNA SMRT: Pogledajte snimak zbog kog je plakalo mililon ljudi!

Planeta -

Fotograf Paul Niklen snimio je srceparajući video na kanadskom Bafinovom ostrvu. Bivši biolog video je, kaže, preko 3.000 medveda u divljini, ali ovog nikada neće zaboraviti.

"Stajali smo tamo i plakali, snimali smo dok su nam suze išle niz obraze," rekao je Niklen.

Hraniti polarne medvede u Kanadi je ilegalno, ali i da je Niklenova ekipa u tom trenutku bila u mogućnosti da nahrani izgladnelog medveda, bilo bi to, kažu, samo odlaganje neizbežnog.

My entire @Sea_Legacy team was pushing through their tears and emotions while documenting this dying polar bear. It’s a soul-crushing scene that still haunts me, but I know we need to share both the beautiful and the heartbreaking if we are going to break down the walls of apathy. This is what starvation looks like. The muscles atrophy. No energy. It’s a slow, painful death. When scientists say polar bears will be extinct in the next 100 years, I think of the global population of 25,000 bears dying in this manner. There is no band aid solution. There was no saving this individual bear. People think that we can put platforms in the ocean or we can feed the odd starving bear. The simple truth is this—if the Earth continues to warm, we will lose bears and entire polar ecosystems. This large male bear was not old, and he certainly died within hours or days of this moment. But there are solutions. We must reduce our carbon footprint, eat the right food, stop cutting down our forests, and begin putting the Earth—our home—first. Please join us at @sea_legacy as we search for and implement solutions for the oceans and the animals that rely on them—including us humans. Thank you your support in keeping my @sea_legacy team in the field. With @CristinaMittermeier #turningthetide with @Sea_Legacy #bethechange #nature #naturelovers This video is exclusively managed by Caters News. To license or use in a commercial player please contact info@catersnews.com or call +44 121 616 1100 / +1 646 380 1615”

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"Naravno da nam je to palo na pamet, ali, nažalost, mi sa sobom ne nosimo 150 kilograma mesa. Nismo imali ni čime da ga označi kako bismo mogli da ga pratimo", ispričao je fotograf.

Video koji je objavio u kratkom vremenu je skupio milion pregleda. Ljudi su šokirani. Medved od nemoći vuče zadnje noge za sobom. Mnogi su se složili da bi mogao uskoro da umre.

"Ovako izgleda spora, bolna smrt", napisao je fotograf. Pričom jednog medveda želi da pokrene temu teškoća koje izaziva globalno zagrevanje.

Otapanje leda usled klimatskih promena ima direktan uticaj na hranjenje i preživljavanje polarnih medveda. Njima su ledene ploče neophodne kako bi mogli da dođu do svoje hrane koja se nalazi ispod tih ploča.

Kurir.rs/ 24sata.hr

Foto: Printscreen/ Instagram


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