(FOTO, VIDEO) ONA JE ŽENA KRALJA ZMAJA: Upoznajte najmlađu kraljicu na svetu koja je postala pravi hit na internetu!
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(FOTO, VIDEO) ONA JE ŽENA KRALJA ZMAJA: Upoznajte najmlađu kraljicu na svetu koja je postala pravi hit na internetu!

Planeta -

Njeno visočanstvo Gijaltsuen Džetsun Pema Vangčuk ima samo 27 godina i najmlađa je kraljica na svetu.

Kraljica Butana, nova senzacija na internetu, sela je na tron 2011. godine, kada se udala za kralja Džigme Kesar Namgijela, koji nosi i upečatljiv nadimak "kralj zmaj".

Ono što je iznenadilo mnoge je da se "kralj zmaj" ranije zabavljao sa rođakom svoje sadašnje žene, dok je studirao na Oksfordu, ali čini se da oni tome ne pridaju mnogo značaja.

"Dugo sam čekao da se oženim. Ali nije bitno kada se venčavamo, dokle god je osoba prava. Siguran sam da sam našao pravu osobu", rekao je Džigne o svojoj kraljici.

6 November 2017, Thimphu: Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen graced a celebration to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Montreal Protocol- a United Nations treaty to take steps to protect the ozone layer. Dignitaries and senior officials from the government, UN and private sector also attended the event, which organized by National Environment Commission (NEC). The Montreal Protocol has been the most successful environment treaty of the United Nations, and the only one to receive universal endorsement- where 197 member states unanimously came together to phasing out chemicals that were damaging the Ozone Layer. As a result, more than 99 percent of nearly 100 ozone-depleting chemicals have been phased out, and this has also significantly contributed to climate change mitigation. Protecting the Ozone Layer remains an important endeavor, and these efforts have been bolstered by Her Majesty’s support as the UNEP Ozone Ambassador. The lesson from the success Protocol is being used in efforts to achieve similar collective action for climate change today. A Coffee Table book on 25 Years of Partnership for Environment Conservation, documenting the achievements of the last 25 years, was launched during the event. Refrigeration and Air Condition equipment (RAC) was also handed over to Ministry of Labour and Human Resources to assist the RAC curriculum. In commemoration of the anniversary, the Motithang Park in Thimphu was declared an ‘Ozone Park’. With the support from Thimphu Thromde, the park has been remodeled into an ozone advocacy park, providing information on ozone history and countries’ initiatives for ozone layer protection ever since the ozone hole was discovered in early 1980s. #HerMajesty #QueenJetsunPema #QueenofBhutan #MontrealProtocol #Environment #UNEP #OzoneAmbassador #OzonePark #Thimphu #Bhutan

A post shared by Her Majesty Queen Jetsun Pema (@queenjetsunpema) on

Prvo dete, Džigme Namigijel Vangčuk, dobili su u februaru 2016. godine, a na internetu ga već porede sa britanskim princem Džordžom.

Njihova ljubavna priča zaista podseća na bajke. Par se upoznao na porodičnom pikniku kada je Džetsun imala sedam, a tada budući kralj 17. On je tada kleknuo pred njom i rekao joj da bi želeo da ona jednom bude njegova žena.

The Royal photograph for the December calendar on yellow.bt ❦ This has been a truly significant year for the people of Bhutan. We entered 2016 having celebrated the 60th Birth Anniversary of His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo – filled with a sense of history and appreciation of our culture and heritage. The year also celebrated the birth year of Guru Rinpoche and the 400th anniversary of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel’s arrival in Druk Yul. 2016 has further reinforced our sense of belonging and pride in our unique and rich cultural heritage. We are united in our joy as we welcomed the Prince of Bhutan, and even as we look to the past, we are filled with a new sense of determination and responsibility for the future that awaits us. As this momentous year comes to a close, we mark another occasion of historical importance – the completion of the tenth year of His Majesty’s reign. These ten years have seen the transition of our country into a democratic system in a manner that is exceptional in the world. They shall be remembered in the future as a time of extraordinary and exemplary leadership, when the foundations for a strong democracy were built. His Majesty The King embodies our identity and unity, and fills us with optimism and purpose for the future of our country. For our December calendar, we commemorate His Majesty’s 10th year of reign with this wonderful photograph of our King, Queen, and Gyalsey. May such happiness and peace forever prevail in Bhutan. #HisMajesty #KingJigmeKhesar #HerMajesty #QueenJetsunPema #HRH #Gyalsey #anniversary #momentous #Zhabdrung #GuruRinpoche #blessed #Bhutan

A post shared by Her Majesty Queen Jetsun Pema (@queenjetsunpema) on

"Kralj zmaj", kako ga narod zove, postao je monarh 2006. kada je njegov otac abdicirao. Odlučio je da kruni oduzme apsolutnu moć i utre put demokratiji i ustavnoj monarhiji. Venčao se sa Džetsun iste godine kad i Vilijam i Kejt, ali je njihova ceremonija bila potpuno drugačija.

Džetsun Pema je veliki ljubitelj umetnosti, koju je zavolela dok je studirala u Indiji. Tokom školovanja usavršila je engleski jezik, a učila je i istoriju, ekonomiju, geografiju i umetnost. Ipak, na kraju je izabrala psihologiju i umetnost, što je završila na Londonskom kraljevskom univerzitetu.

Poznata je i kao borac za očuvanje prirode i živog sveta, i zalaže se za prava ljudi sa invaliditetom, zbog čega je mnogima osvojila srca.

Džetsun i njen suprug upoznali su u aprilu 2016. godine princa Vilijama i Kejt Midlton, a pri susretu je snimljena grupna fotografija kraljevskih parova koja je postala pravi internet hit. Kao što su mnogi u Velikoj Britaniji verni pratioci princa Harija i njegove verenice Megan Markl preko društvenih mreža, mnogi Butanci tako prate svoje plemiće, koji redovno objavljuju fotografije na Instagramu.

Kurir.rs/Biznis insajder Foto: Instagram


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