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Planeta -

Na sat vožnje od glavnog grada Brazila, Brazilije, nalazi se jedno od najduhovnijih gradova te zemlje "Dolina izlazećeg sunca" ili "Dolina svitanja"(Vale do Amancher).

Na prvi pogled, ova dolina izgleda kao minijaturni tematski park u kojem posetioci mogu da vide najveća svetska čuda bez odlaska na skupocena putovanja.

Izgrađen u Planaltini, satelitskom području u okolini Brazilije, jezerski kompleks sadrži piramidu, hram poput svemirskog broda, šestougaoni molitveni centar i nekoliko skulptura u obliku elipse.

My latest job for @natgeo . ( link on my bio) My very special thanks for @andrevilaron , @deboraafss and @go2fernandomota and all my dear friends from the Valley. -- During the new brazilian capital’s construction, the esoteric leader Neiva Zelaia moved to Brasilia and bought a small ranch in a valley to start a small esoteric community which according to her spiritual guides would light the humanity to a new era. Based on this believe, Zelaia built a big religious complex mixing all those ancient civilizations’ aesthetics and symbols. From an Egyptian pyramid’s close to Hebrew 6 pointed start lake, or a huge Jesus Christ image in front to an Incan temple, a village grew around these esoteric structures and that mystical imaginary became part of its residents’ daily life. Decades later, The Sunrise Valley turned into a 25.000 residents’ district where men driving motorcycles in Celtics wizard costumes or women holding Greek amazon’s spears while shopping are easily found in the streets, but also became a big spiritualistic doctrine with over 800.000 followers and 700 temples in Brazil, Europe and North-America. #everydayeverywhere #noicemag #rentalmag #humansmagazine #ReportageSpotlight #everydaybrasil #everydaylatinamerica #contemporaryphotography #photocontest #onassignment #reportage #magnumphotos #hikaricreative #5d #canon5d #worldpressphoto #achadosdasemana #gettyreportage #photostory #photodocumentary #photojournalism #fotoperiodismo #fotojornalismo #documentaryphotography #burndiary #burnmagazine #immigration #imigracion #fotografiadocumental #valedoamanhecer

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Precizno dizajniran, kompleks odslikava složene, sveobuhvatne doktrine i ubeđenja religije - izvučene iz različitosti religija i civilizacija, uključujući hrišćanstvo, hinduizam, judaizam, Inke i drevni Egipat. Prema pristalicama Doline izlazećeg sunca, vanzemaljska bića su sletela na Zemlju pre 32.000 godina da bi pomogli ljudkosj civilizaciji da napreduje. Bića su se tada vratila na Zemlju kroz uzastopne inkarnacije različitih kultura i era.

My latest for @natgeo (link on my profile) Carolina in her greek outfit at home. She moved to the Sunrise valley seeking for a treatment for her young son who suffers from autism. After 3 years, the boy is becoming really more talkative, with a great communication and is a great dude. -- During the new brazilian capital’s construction, the esoteric leader Neiva Zelaia moved to Brasilia and bought a small ranch in a valley to start a small esoteric community which according to her spiritual guides would light the humanity to a new era. Based on this believe, Zelaia built a big religious complex mixing all those ancient civilizations’ aesthetics and symbols. From an Egyptian pyramid’s close to Hebrew 6 pointed start lake, or a huge Jesus Christ image in front to an Incan temple, a village grew around these esoteric structures and that mystical imaginary became part of its residents’ daily life. Decades later, The Sunrise Valley turned into a 25.000 residents’ district where men driving motorcycles in Celtics wizard costumes or women holding Greek amazon’s spears while shopping are easily found in the streets, but also became a big spiritualistic doctrine with over 800.000 followers and 700 temples in Brazil, Europe and North-America. #everydayeverywhere #noicemag #rentalmag #humansmagazine #ReportageSpotlight #everydaybrasil #everydaylatinamerica #contemporaryphotography #photocontest #onassignment #reportage #magnumphotos #hikaricreative #5d #canon5d #worldpressphoto #achadosdasemana #gettyreportage #photostory #photodocumentary #photojournalism #fotoperiodismo #fotojornalismo #documentaryphotography #burndiary #burnmagazine #immigration #imigracion #fotografiadocumental #valedoamanhecer

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Članovi doline, poznati kao mediji, veruju da su najnovija inkarnacija bića, Jaguari.- Jaguari.

Dolinu izlazećeg sunca je 1959. godine osnovala Neiva Čavez Zelaja, poznata kao “teta Neiva”. Udovica sa četvoro dece je prvo radila kao vozač kamiona u Braziliji, a potom je bila u pokretu koji se zalagao da Rio de Žaneiro postane glavni grad Brazila. Tada je počela da doživljava “spiritističke epizode” za koje je kasnije verovala da su zapravo posete duhova iz vanzemaljskog sveta.

My latest for @natgeo ( link on my bio) Joana D'arc, a Sunrise Valley follower, dresses in a Samaritan outfit—inspired by the story of the woman who met Jesus at a well in the Gospel of John. -- During the new brazilian capital’s construction, the esoteric leader Neiva Zelaia moved to Brasilia and bought a small ranch in a valley to start a small esoteric community which according to her spiritual guides would light the humanity to a new era. Based on this believe, Zelaia built a big religious complex mixing all those ancient civilizations’ aesthetics and symbols. From an Egyptian pyramid’s close to Hebrew 6 pointed start lake, or a huge Jesus Christ image in front to an Incan temple, a village grew around these esoteric structures and that mystical imaginary became part of its residents’ daily life. Decades later, The Sunrise Valley turned into a 25.000 residents’ district where men driving motorcycles in Celtics wizard costumes or women holding Greek amazon’s spears while shopping are easily found in the streets, but also became a big spiritualistic doctrine with over 800.000 followers and 700 temples in Brazil, Europe and North-America. #everydayeverywhere #noicemag #rentalmag #humansmagazine #ReportageSpotlight #everydaybrasil #everydaylatinamerica #contemporaryphotography #photocontest #onassignment #reportage #magnumphotos #hikaricreative #5d #canon5d #worldpressphoto #achadosdasemana #gettyreportage #photostory #photodocumentary #photojournalism #fotoperiodismo #fotojornalismo #documentaryphotography #burndiary #burnmagazine #immigration #imigracion #fotografiadocumental #valedoamanhecer

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Dva medijuma obično rade u paru tokom rituala. Apara, ili prijemni medijum, ima zadatak da fizički inkorpopira duh, dok indoktrinatorski medijum preuzima zadatak da poduči duh i pomogne mu da odbaci duhovni svet. Sledbenici veruju da rituali takođe pomažu medijumima da iskupe karmičke dugove iz svojih prošlih života.

Nymphs during Chief White Arrow’s Blessing, one of the most important rituais at the Sunrise Valley's doutrine. Followers walk through the temple for four hours in an effort to manipulate the energy in the space. My latest for @natgeo . Link on my bio -- During the new brazilian capital’s construction, the esoteric leader Neiva Zelaia moved to Brasilia and bought a small ranch in a valley to start a small esoteric community which according to her spiritual guides would light the humanity to a new era. Based on this believe, Zelaia built a big religious complex mixing all those ancient civilizations’ aesthetics and symbols. From an Egyptian pyramid’s close to Hebrew 6 pointed start lake, or a huge Jesus Christ image in front to an Incan temple, a village grew around these esoteric structures and that mystical imaginary became part of its residents’ daily life. Decades later, The Sunrise Valley turned into a 25.000 residents’ district where men driving motorcycles in Celtics wizard costumes or women holding Greek amazon’s spears while shopping are easily found in the streets, but also became a big spiritualistic doctrine with over 800.000 followers and 700 temples in Brazil, Europe and North-America. #everydayeverywhere #noicemag #rentalmag #humansmagazine #ReportageSpotlight #everydaybrasil #everydaylatinamerica #contemporaryphotography #photocontest #onassignment #reportage #magnumphotos #hikaricreative #5d #canon5d #worldpressphoto #achadosdasemana #gettyreportage #photostory #photodocumentary #photojournalism #fotoperiodismo #fotojornalismo #documentaryphotography #burndiary #burnmagazine #immigration #imigracion #fotografiadocumental #valedoamanhecer

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Sa 800 hiljada sledbenika i 600 povezanih hramova u svetu, Dolina izlazećeg sunca je jedna od najbrže rastućih verskih zajednica u Brazilu, kaže Keli Hejs, vanredni profesor religijskih studija na Univerzitetu u Indijanopolisu. Ipak, većinsko društvo i verske zajednice u Brazilu često izbegavaju Dolinu, kategorizujući je kao kult. Napetost je posebno velika između članova Doline i evangelista koji su sagradili crkve u blizini zajednice, usmeravajući članove na konverziju. “Evangelisti smatraju da da su sledbenici Doline pod uticajem đavola”, objašnjava Hejs.

My latest for @natgeo (link in bio) During the "Mother's blessing" ritual, when the nymphs call for the African godness Yemanjá energy, one of the most important and sacred rituals at the Sunrise doctrine. -- During the new brazilian capital’s construction, the esoteric leader Neiva Zelaia moved to Brasilia and bought a small ranch in a valley to start a small esoteric community which according to her spiritual guides would light the humanity to a new era. Based on this believe, Zelaia built a big religious complex mixing all those ancient civilizations’ aesthetics and symbols. From an Egyptian pyramid’s close to Hebrew 6 pointed start lake, or a huge Jesus Christ image in front to an Incan temple, a village grew around these esoteric structures and that mystical imaginary became part of its residents’ daily life. Decades later, The Sunrise Valley turned into a 25.000 residents’ district where men driving motorcycles in Celtics wizard costumes or women holding Greek amazon’s spears while shopping are easily found in the streets, but also became a big spiritualistic doctrine with over 800.000 followers and 700 temples in Brazil, Europe and North-America. #everydayeverywhere #noicemag #rentalmag #humansmagazine #ReportageSpotlight #everydaybrasil #everydaylatinamerica #contemporaryphotography #photocontest #onassignment #reportage #magnumphotos #hikaricreative #5d #canon5d #worldpressphoto #achadosdasemana #gettyreportage #photostory #photodocumentary #photojournalism #fotoperiodismo #fotojornalismo #documentaryphotography #burndiary #burnmagazine #immigration #imigracion #fotografiadocumental #valedoamanhecer

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Osnovana 1950-ih, religija je bila popularna među siromašnim farmerima i migrantima koji su došli da pomognu izgradnju Brazilije.

"Brazilija je u to vreme značila da Brazil ulazi u savremeni svet i postaje moderna nacija", kaže Hejs. Ali hiperorganizovani betonski grad se ispostavilo kao neprijateljska distopija, koja je pretrpela pretrpanost i kriminal.

Kurir.rs/ National geographic

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