NJEN SIN IMA 2 GODINE I JOŠ GA DOJI: Hvali se na Instagramu da ga hrani dok usisava, a fotka iz WC je zgrozila celi svet (VIDEO)
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NJEN SIN IMA 2 GODINE I JOŠ GA DOJI: Hvali se na Instagramu da ga hrani dok usisava, a fotka iz WC je zgrozila celi svet (VIDEO)

Zanimljivosti -

Beki Vijera je 42-godišnja majka iz San Franciska koja voli javno da ističe kako svog dvogodišnjeg sina i dalje doji, i to će činiti sve dok bude mogla.

Svakodnevno na Instagramu objavljuje fotografije na kojima se vidi kako istovremeno usisava i doji dete ili to čini dok je u toaletu.

Beki priznaje da često oseća pritisak okoline, ali da za tim ipak ne haje i ponosna je što kao uzorna majka i domaćica sve postiže.

"Mnoge mame su mi napominjale da se bebe doje do godinu dana i da je ono što ja činim pogrešno. Kada sam prvi put dojila, osećala sam se nelagodno. Izgledalo je kao da sam mu ugurala bradavicu u usta i da je on koristi poput mehanizma rezanja olovke“, rekla je Beki.

Njenom sinu Arčeru je dijagnostifikovan sindrom kiselog refluksa, odnosno gorušica, zbog čega su lekari sumnjali da će dojenje samo pogoršati stanje.

Međutim, Arčer je sada dobro i više ne pati od gorušice, a Beki je i dalje nastavila da ga doji.

Today I followed my instincts. I did nothing I was supposed to. But everything that was needed. Archer was off. He’s not sick. But he’s not himself, either. I had a day planned, things that were necessary. Grocery shopping. Errands. A shower. But as soon as we awoke my husband and I knew that Archer wasn’t his usual self. He was clinging to me. Wouldn’t let me out of his sight. Insisted upon being carried or on my lap. I had some whispers in my ear lately. An internet troll. Shouldn’t matter. But... she said things about me, my child. That I let him use me as a human pacifier. Enable bad behavior. I’m human. I share my story with everyone, but that doesn’t mean I’m not a real person with feelings. So her words got to me. As he was reaching up to me I heard her words ringing in my ears. I thought I needed to be tough. That this was a situation I caused, as she said. It’s bullsh*t. Her words are worthless. She doesn’t know me. My child. Our relationship. I picked him up. He cuddled into me and said, “ouch, mama.” He needed me. I shut out the noise and gave my child what he was asking for: Me. The day, the plans, the to-do list didn’t matter. We cuddled. Read books. He napped in my arms. Because that is what he needed. I didn’t “ruin” his sleep training. Tonight he went to bed by himself as normal. And If I’m his human pacifier, so what? So I’m the person who can give my child comfort when he needs it? I’m okay with that. I’m getting tougher. More sure footed in my role as mom. Stronger as a person. Sometimes I get caught up. In routines, discipline, making sure he’s doing this or no longer doing that. I need to remember that he’s still a baby in many ways. A tiny human, completely dependent upon his parents. He’s not going to head off to college and insist I join him because he can’t be out of my arms. This is a finite period of time. It’s not a burden that he needs me like this, some days more than others. It’s a gift. That I was chosen to be his person. That I can provide him with instant relief and comfort just by being me. His mom. His world... for now. Today I accomplished nothing. Yet did everything I needed. Today was a good day.

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