TRI MESECA JE JELA ČIPS I HLEB I IZOBLIČILA SE: Uz pomoć vode i ovakve hrane je dovela telo do savršenstva!
Foto: Instagram Printscreen


TRI MESECA JE JELA ČIPS I HLEB I IZOBLIČILA SE: Uz pomoć vode i ovakve hrane je dovela telo do savršenstva!

Žena -

Kada je otišla u Ameriku na tri meseca, ova Australijanka je jela samo vafl, čips i hleb, pa iako je trenirala kao i uvek - izobličila se. Ona je već opet fit, a evo i kako. Ključ dobrog izgleda nije brojka na vagi, niti sati i sati trčanja, već - voda i zdrava hrana.

Australijanka, koja je fitnes model, Džordžija Piskina tri meseca je živela u Americi dok je snimala rijaliti i potpuno upropastila svoj fizički izgled - brzom hranom.

"Svako jutro za doručak je bio vafl ili palačinka i omlet, koji je imao previše luka i preliva. To je veoma teška hrana. Strašno je kada u svoje telo uložite toliko meseci truda i rada, a za tako kratko vreme sve propadne", kaže ona.

Vremenom je počela da se sve manje oseća kao stara Džordžija. Ništa nije mogla da promeni, jer je bila ograničena izborom namirnica.

YO. I ain't perfect! ???? My bod changes too! . The first pic is from November 2015 after I just got back from living in the US for 3 months with the @wwe. While on the show we were filming long hours! I was keeping super active through all the challenges and training we were doing, however I didn't have access to the foods I needed. My diet was off - and this was the result. It's so crazy how much what we put in our mouths changes the way our body looks and feels. While in America I was eating pancakes or waffles almost every morning...lots of bread, potato chips, sauces, wayyyy too many protein bars and sugary drinks! Looking back, I realise the entire time I felt sluggish and low on energy and I kick myself for not fuelling my body better. . As soon as I got back to Australia I made myself a game plan. I wanted to compete again at @wbff_official worlds so I needed to trim up! I got myself a customised nutrition plan and stuck to it...and this was the result. (July 2016 - 6 months between these pics) I ended up placing 5th at worlds and brought my best condition yet ???? . My point is, we all start somewhere - it's really important you understand that the people you see in transformation pics online aren't superhuman - we are just normal people that wanted something bad enough to do something about it. The results speak for themselves. There are proven ways to burn fat and gain muscle - you've just got to put them into action. You will not get any closer to where you want to be until you make the decision to START. . I am now offering online coaching and would love to help you get the body (or fitness level) of your dreams. Email me so we can establish your goals and put together your very own game plan! ???????? #goalgettingwithgigi #gigisfitarmy . ???? ???? (link in BIO) ???? @gigisfitarmy

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Tek kada se vratila kući u Australiju, bacila se na svoj režim ishrane, treninge, a posle šest nedelja počele su da se primećuju i promene nabolje.

"Ljudi lako odustaju posle nedelju-dve, jer ne shvataju da je za sve potrebno vreme. A, ključ svega je hidratacija. Obroke treba podeliti na manje porcije. Nije uvek lako, ali sve je moguće. Znam da je ovih dana malo teško voleti sebe, ali ako počnete da se osećate dobro povodom svoga tela, počeće i dobre stvari da vam se događaju", zaključuje Džordžija.

( Instagram Printscreen)

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