(FOTO) SMRŠALA ČAK 135 KILOGRAMA: Ispod haljine se krije najveća posledica zbog koje je završila na operaciji!
Foto: Printskrin Instagram


(FOTO) SMRŠALA ČAK 135 KILOGRAMA: Ispod haljine se krije najveća posledica zbog koje je završila na operaciji!

Žena -

Žaklin Adan uspela je da smrša 135 kilograma, rezultati su fenomenalni ali neke sitnice će vas šokirati.

Naime, ona ne krije ništa, te je na društvenim mrežama pokazala sve, do detalja.

Žaklin svima poručuje da su treniranje i zdrava ishrana jedini pravi put za gubitak kilograma. Ona je zahvaljujući ovim metodama došla do cilja.

A cilje je ostvarila postepeno,korka po korak. Na svom Instagram profilu je prikazala kako se njeno telo vremenom menjalo. Ovako je izgledala pre nego što se uhvatila u koštca sa gojaznošću.

foto: Printskrin Instagram

Svaku promenu i ceo proces mršavljenja Žaklin je pratila sa osmehom, a sigurno nije bilo lako izboriti se sa svim preprekama.

Neki bi možda i sakrili ovu sliku, sakrili da posle mršavljenja imaju ovaj problem, ali ona želi da iskrenošću pomogne ljudima sa sličnim problemima.

"Od samog početka moja borba nije bila laka. Bila je to teška mentalna i fizička bitka. Mnogi ljudi će reći "samo je smršala", ali to je mnogo više od toga. Kada bi makar bilo tako lako", napisala je na Instagramu i poručila da niko ne treba da odustane od svojih želja jer mu drugi govore da neće uspeti da ih ostvari.

My journey has been far from easy. My journey since day 1 has been so much more than losing weight. It was and still is such a physical and mental battle. For a lot of people it is so easy to just tell someone "just lose weight" but there is so much more to it than just that. If only it were that simple. Then you lose the weight and now what? No one knows what's it's like to be extremely overweight or to lose an extreme amount of weight or what it is like to carry around all of that excess skin, except the people going through it and even then, it's different for everyone! Friends, family members or even doctors have no idea exactly what it is like both physically or mentally. So promise me something. No matter what you feel, never let others try to make it sound like you are unworthy to feel the way you feel. Just because someone may have it worse does not mean your struggles are invalid. Never stop fighting to become your best self physically or mentally. If you need help, please ask!! I have a whole blog post where I talk more in depth about how I feel the mental health aspect of extreme weight loss needs to be more of a topic of conversation! Link to my blog is in my bio! . . . #jacquelineadan #jacquelinesjourney #perfectlyimperfect #trainandtransform #transformationfitnation #motivationmonday #mondaymotivation #wlstories #effyourbeautystandards #hereforyou #transformation #fitfam #fitspo #extremeweightloss #losingweight #skinremovalsurgery #onaquest #obesetobeast #motivation #selflove #bodytransformation #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fitnessmotivation #fitspiration #progress #fitgirl #bodytransformation #healthyliving #inspire

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Žaklin je nedavno imala operaciju kojom je ukonjen višak kože na njenom telu. Pre operacije je pratioce na Instagramu kojih ima 29 hiljada, pozdravila osmehom.


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