(FOTO) TREND OD KOJEG ĆETE ZANEMETI: Više se ne kiti jelka, evo šta sad predstavlja novogodišnji duh
Foto: Profimedia


(FOTO) TREND OD KOJEG ĆETE ZANEMETI: Više se ne kiti jelka, evo šta sad predstavlja novogodišnji duh

Žena -

Ako ste među onima koji ne žele pravu jelku u svom domu ili jednostavno nemate mesta za nju, evo fantastične ideje i za vas. Obeležite novogodišnje praznike jednim od glavnih trendova - Božićni ananas.

Ovde godine nisu više jelke u modi za kićenje, nego slatki praznični ananasi koji polako ali sigurno osvajaju internet

Iako na prvu čudna ideja, već nakon kratkog razmišljanja možemo zaključiti da je pre svega praktična. Zahvaljujući kompaktnoj veličini ananas je postao odličan izbor za dekoraciju, bilo da je reč o domu ili kancelarijskom prostoru.

Možete ga ukrasiti klasičnim novogodišnjim ukrasima, poput kugli i svetlucavih lampica, obojiti u kontrastnu nijansu ili zaviti u veliku mašnu koja će izgledati veoma elegantno.

I bought this umbrella for my wedding, to get some cute shots of it with me as a bride. Guess what? I forgot to bring it! Brides: Did you forget to bring something to your wedding? . . Thoughts from yesterday continued: Compared to the challenges of growing up, moving through adolescence, and navigating through the stresses of college, life as a “real adult” seems a lot simpler in some ways. At first glance, it seems EASIER, or maybe like a dead end. All those check lists of things I planned on accomplishing "in the future" have now happened. Graduate from college, CHECK. Start a career, CHECK. Buy a house, CHECK. Marry the man I love, CHECK. The next obvious item on the list would be "have a kid". And while I hope children are in my husband and I's future, they’re not in our lives right now. When I think about what is right now, that's how I got to thinking about my MISSION. What am I doing right now? What is my life like right now? I'm no longer a student, so you won't see me babbling on about how stressful finals week is and I'm not a mom, so you won't see me talking about how I teach my child manners. What I am is a career driven young professional with a passion to style products, create DIYs, and fix up my home. I’m also a homeowner and to top it all off, I'm married to a firefighter. For those of you who may also be fire wives, you’ve felt the weight of that little adjective. When I say I’m a fire wife, it’s not about the fact that I’m proud that my husband is a firefighter or that I have a network of other wives just like me, or that I have more to worry about each time my husband leaves for work (though all of those things are obviously true), it’s about how being a fire wife is different than being any other type of wife. It’s about the impact it has on me and the impact it has on my responsibilities as the woman of the house. Check in to tomorrow’s post for the final segment of these thoughts! In the meantime, who are you? How do you identify yourself? . #alternativechristmastree#pineapplechristmastree#holidaydecor#christmasinspo#beachychristmas#triopicalchristmas

Објава коју дели C A R I S S A (@countrifiedcasa) дана

(Kurir.rs/wall.hr/Foto Profimedia)


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