(VIDEO) PRONAŠLA PRIRODNI LEK PROTIV AKNI: Manekenka nije mogla da radi zbog bubuljica, a kada je OVO isprobala, njeno lice se PREPORODILO!
Foto: Profimedia

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(VIDEO) PRONAŠLA PRIRODNI LEK PROTIV AKNI: Manekenka nije mogla da radi zbog bubuljica, a kada je OVO isprobala, njeno lice se PREPORODILO!

Žena -

Svi koji su bar jednom imali akne znaju koliko je teško rešiti ih se. Ipak, jedna manekenka je u prirodi našla uspešan način da ih se reši.

Manekenka Briana Lopez tvrdi da je pronašla prirodni lek protiv potkožnih akni. Naime, ona se zbog prirode svog posla našla u veoma nezgodnoj situaciji jer sa takvim kožnim problemom nije mogla da radi.

{{ok editing this really quick cus I think people think I do this every day. I only reaaply moisturizer and sunblock in the mornings and do the oil cleansing and mask at night IF I had on makeup that day. If I didn't wear makeup I would just leave my face alone all the time}} I feel really dumb cus I wanted to make a video but Instagram wouldn't upload it. So I'm Just gonna show u guys picks. 1) i double cleanse with jojoba oil and wipe it off with a hot wash rag 2) i usually do a honey mask mixed with turmeric and cinnamon 3) i have two other masks that I like to use , sulfur mask and bentonit clay mask, but the honey one is my fave 4) I'll moisturize with the shea terra organics perfecting serum and doterra lavender oil 5) at night i'll spot treat with raw shea butter 5) I use the raw elements sunblock pretty much everyday 6) the last slide is the herbs I took to get my skin under control (please do your research on herbs before you take them(ill put a link in my bio for a video about herbs that really helped me) I only do all these steps if I had make up that day. So if I don't wear make up for a few days in a row, I just re-apply the two oils and some sunblock in the morning. I think that's pretty much it. I'm also pescatarian so I don't eat mammal meat but I eat fish. My diet is decent( I'm studying to be a nutritionist) this is what worked for me. I'm not saying that everyone has to do this to have decent skin. Commercial products may work for some people. But it didn't for me. Just made things worse. My skin still isn't "perfect". I'm gonna go through the comments on the other posts and go through the DMs to answer everyone one but there is a lot so bare with me. Feel free to ask more questions here if you need to. Hope this help some people.❤️ ( also just adding this in, if you don't wear make up, then I would suggest just leaving your skin completely alone. Look up the caveman regimen)

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Međutim, kada je primenila tu formulu rešila se problematičnih akni, a fotografije njene transformacije zaista upadaju u oči.

Ona sada želi da pomogne i drugima koji imaju isti problem, pa je otkrila svoju tajnu.


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Spas je u sledećoj mešavini:

Ulje jojobe, maska od meda, cimeta i kurkume, ulje lavande, sirovi maslac za lečenje bubuljica i organski zaštitni faktor.

Takođe, dodala je da konzumira zdravu hranu sa dosta ribe.

(Kurir.rs/Miss7, Foto:InstagramPrintSkrin)

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