njeno telo je doživelo transformaciju

(VIDEO) MRZELA SAM SVOJE TELO: Želela sam ravan stomak i silikone, ali sam zbog ćerke odustala! Evo šta sam shvatila!

Žena -

Tarin Brumfit je jedna od žena koju je majčnistvo iz korena promenilo.

Njeno telo doživelo je potpunu transformaciju, a ona je sebe mrzela zbog toga.

"Ti si debela, ti si ružna, ti si odvratna", govorila je sebi svako jutro.

Njeno samopouzdanje poljuljalo se kad je postala mama. Ali ona nikada nije imala preterano lepo mišljenje o sebi.

"Kad sam rodila decu počela sam da mrzim svoje telo. Želela sam ravan stomak i silikone. Međutim, kad sam pogledala svoju prelepu ćerku pitala sam se kakvu bih joj poslala poruku takvim potezom. Kako da je ubedim da voli sebe takvu kakva jeste, ako se ja ponašam suprotno", rekla je Tarin koja je ubrzo otkazala sve operacije.

Umesto silikona, ona je postala motivacioni govornik, žena koja zagovara da žene prihvate same sebe baš onakvim kakve jesu.

"Počela sam da treniram. Imala sam želju da se takmičim, što je bila sumanuta ideja. Trenirala sam nekoliko sati svaki dan i postavila sam stroga pravila. Izgubila sam dosta kilograma. Imala sam telo o kakvom žene maštaju. Drugi su mi aplaudirali, ali ja sam sebe i dalje mrzela", kaže Taren koja je konačno pronašla svoju sreću.

Thanks for making this photo the most liked photo on my Instagram in 2017! This post means a lot to me because it signifies the beginning of setting intentions around creating a magazine. Funding and creating this magazine is a big part of my plans in 2018 - there I said it! ? Yep it’s going to happen because I can’t stop thinking about creating a global magazine that will connect, inspire, educate and liberate. It keeps waking me up in the night and the ideas keep flowing in the shower. The magazine is at a conceptual stage, the road ahead is long, but just like Embrace the documentary I’m going to put one step in front of the next and do what @rosie O’Donnell told me to do during the Embrace Kickstarter campaign and just “keep going”. My goodness it’s an honour to be of service to all of you, thanks for being here, thanks for being part of this beautiful Movement xxx “I spend a lot of time in airports and often find myself browsing the magazine shelves before boarding my flight. One thing I notice over and over is the lack of diversity (of body shape, size and ability) on the covers of health and fitness magazines. As someone who is interested in health, fitness and wellbeing I flip through the pages of these magazines and wonder why I never see a representation of me? The closest image of me I find is like the photo above, but instead of smiling I'm sad and the photo is taken before my miracle 'transformation'! (i.e before and after) I want to be represented. I want you to be represented. In fact I don't want it - I demand it! Whenever I find a problem the first thing I do is find a solution and in this case a great solution would be to create my own magazine for women that includes everything that we want to see... Starting with more diversity! I'm not saying I'm going to create a magazine, (although it's an idea that I've been toying with for some time ) but I am shouting loud and clear that I want representation!” #marathonrunner #ihaveembraced #embracethedocumentary

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Nije vodila izbalansiran život i odlučila je to da promeni. Posle takmičenja, priznanja... počela je da se goji.

Tarin je počela da shvata da bi mogla da voli svoje telo zbog toga šta bi to to telo moglo, a ne zbog toga kako izgleda.

Kad je čula kako se njene prijateljice žale na svoj izgled, shvatila razliku u slici tela "pre i posle". Dobila je bezrezervnu podršku žena širom sveta.

Kurir.rs/SuperŽena/Foto: Printscreen Instagram

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