IZGLEDA KAO DEVOJČICA, A RODILA JE 10 DECE: Kad saznate KOLIKO IMA GODINA i šta sve može, ostaćete bez REČI (VIDEO)

Žena -

Taina Lićardo Toivola, poreklom iz Australije, rodila je desetoro dece i uopšte ne izgleda kao neka istrošena žena.

?Happy 41st Birthday to me!? I have exceeding abundantly above all that I could dream or imagine.???? In the last year Paul and I completed our family with the birth of our tenth and last child. We also celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary.?..?I didn’t make any resolutions for the next year cause I love the choices that I’ve made until now.?.....???? I will continue to take lessons from my children for piano, guitar, electric guitar, drums bass and violin.?I’ve had these instruments around me for years so I decided to learn on the side also. My children are experts but I’m just doing it for fun to keep my brain healthy and happy.??I would love to learn the saxophone from Cleopatra.?@iamcleopatraltk my daughter suggested our babies and myself learn a third language, Japanese. It’s going forward and that’s all that matters.??I’m still 100% vegan so that my rheumatoid arthritis doesn’t play up. Eating this way has done wonders for my overall health.?I have to note here that when we are invited to a wedding, etc, We eat what is handed to us and we do not stand up and demand, “I‘m vegan so make me something else.” We are not crazy vegans.?? ....?I am considering buying a longboard so I can cruise with @bestabasta and @romeoromeostyle.?ANYWAYS, loving life and taking in the birthday kisses, hugs, messages, smells and tastes.?I thank Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior for everything that I have. ?I may be Mrs. OCD super organized and minimalistic but without Him I can do nothing.?For in Him we live, and move, and have our being; Acts 17:28(KJV) ?I am not a morning or night person. I love the WHOLE day. Don’t try to be positive. Let that be the only way you can function. There are NO problems, there are only Plan B’s. Get it.?... whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8(KJV) Enjoy this beautiful Sunday friends.?#momofmany #largefamily #veganfamily ???I POSTED A YOUTUBE VIDEO. ?LINK is in my Bio.?BALLOONS!

Објава коју дели ?T A I N A LICCIARDO-TOIVOLA? (@tainalicciardotoivola) дана

Naime, ova 41-godišnja dama rodila je desetoro dece, a sigurni smo da je njen život prilično haotičan i naporan. Ipak, ona se dobro snalazi u svemu tome

Ona i njen suprug, religijski propovednik, žive u Finskoj, a uloga roditelja im ne pada teško, štaviše uživaju u svakom trenutku.

Njihova deca su uzrasta od 20 godina do šest meseci, a evo i njihovih imena, od najstarijeg do najmlađeg: Leonardo, Kleopatra, Jerusalim, Dartanjan, Šekspir, Romeo, Nefertiti, King Džejms, Afrodita i Omega.

Taina je priznala da svoj dan započinje nešto pre 3 ujutru, kako bi provela bar neko vreme u miru i tišini, pre nego što se deca probude i krene ludnica. Istakla je da je ključ uspeha savršena organizacija i poštovanje tajminga, pa se desi da ova mama ima vremena i za vežbanje ili čitanje.

Najveći deo vremena svakako troši kuvajući velike količine hrane za čitavu porodicu, ali i prateći mnogobrojne aktivnosti svoje dece, od kojih mnogi sviraju različite instrumente i uče strane jezike.

Takođe, ne možemo da ne primetimo koliko je ova mama negovana i mladolika, ali i kako je u fenomenalnoj formi. Mada, kad imaš desetoro usta za prehraniti, ti poslednji dođeš na red. Nema sumnje da je u tome tajna njene vitkosti.

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