IMALA SAM 90 KG I BILA SAM TROMA I DEBELA: Smršala sam 30 KG, a nisam kročila u TERETANU, jedem i SLATKIŠE, a ovo je moj JEDNOSTAVNI MENI (VIDEO)

Žena -

Lusi Lismor (28) iz Australije danas na Instagramu podstiče i inspiriše mnoge na transformaciju, a kaže da je ona sama skinula gotovo 30 kilograma za svega 10 meseci bez ikakve dijete, a u teretanu, kaže, nije ni kročila.

I am really passionate about meeting people who want to lose weight but don’t know where to start. That was me... I weighed 90kg, thought I was eating healthy and didn’t even know how to get started with exercise! It was a confusing time full of conflicting information about what diet you should eat and what exercise you should perform! - After losing 30kgs it’s clear to me now that to lose fat it boils down to 3 key changes... . 1. Eat less 2. Move more 3. Be consistent - That’s it - that’s the formula to lose fat. Forget all the other information you are overloaded with, because it all in essence is based on the same 3 principles. - It’s not about completely restricting your food intake, just simply eat less calories - however if you want to eat in volume, choosing more nutrient dense, fibre rich foods will be much more beneficial that foods with lots of saturated fats and sugar, as well as better for your overall health. - With regards to exercise there is a huge variety of options available and I guarantee you will find some form of movement which you truely enjoy and that enriches your life. I lost nearly all of the weight I lost without ever stepping foot in a gym (the idea petrified me)! - Above all consistency is the ultimate key to losing fat. Ignore the naysayers, ignore the plateaus and constant monitoring and it will happen! I promise ⭐️! - Finally the reason I am so passionate about this topic and meeting people like me is not because losing weight makes you look better and feel better about yourself necessarily - because quite frankly I still have many days I feel exactly the same. - However, through this journey I have found something that has added so much happiness, learning and strength to my life and that is the exercise I do every day and the people I meet through it! ❤️

Објава коју дели Lucy Lismore ( дана

- U vreme kada sam bila najdeblja, hranila sam se zdravo. Zapravo, jela sam stvari koje većina smatra zdravima a daleko su od toga. Tako bih za doručak pojela mafin ili kroasan sa kafom u koju bih stavila mnogo šećera. Za užinu bih pojela musli štanglicu sa sokom, onda bih ručala sendvič sa šunkom i salatom ili suši. Užina bi bila još jedna velika kafa sa šećerom, a onda bih večerala veliku porciju paste sa hlebom, i uz to sladoled - kaže ona.

Primećivala je, kaže, da je sve veća i tromija i počela je da se stidi svog izgleda.

- Jednog dana sam na televiziji slučajno uhvatila emisiju o transformacijama i shvatila da to isto mogu i ja. Počela sam da izučavam sve o nutricionizmu i vežbanju. Odlučila sam se za kalisteničke vežbe jer vam ne treba ni teretana a ni tegovi, koristite samo snagu sopstvenog tela. Istovremeno, uvela sam i promene u ishrani - kaže ona.

Promene su takve da danas jedan njen dnevni meni izgleda ovako:

Za doručak jede pečurke, paradajz, avokado tost i poširana jaja. Za užinu će pojesti bananu, ručaće salatu od povrća sa belim mesom, užina je malo tamne čokolade ili šaka orašastih plodova sa jogurtom, a za večeru je losos sa pire krompirom i grčkom salatom.

- I dalje jedem šećer, ali u mnogo manjoj meri. Imala sam 90 kilograma, i bilo mi je teško da se odreknem starih navika, ali kada sam videla šta sve moje telo sada može da uradi, koliko se bolje osećam i koliko bolje izgledam, shvatam da sam uradila najbolju moguću stvar - poručuje ona.

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