NIJE MOGAO DA SE KREĆE KOLIKO JE BIO DEBEO: Za samo 5 MESECI skinuo je 42 KG i od njegovog pivskog stomaka NIJE OSTALO NIŠTA! (VIDEO)
Foto: Printskrin/Instagram

dobar i jak motiv vas guraJU napred

NIJE MOGAO DA SE KREĆE KOLIKO JE BIO DEBEO: Za samo 5 MESECI skinuo je 42 KG i od njegovog pivskog stomaka NIJE OSTALO NIŠTA! (VIDEO)

Žena -

Džeremaja Piterson, otac troje dece, uspeo je da za samo pet meseci smriša čak 42 kilograma.

Naime, dok je bio srednovečni debeljko nije mogao sa svojim mališanima od 9, 7 i 6 godina da se druži. Kad bi krenuli na planinarenje, on je zastajkivao i jedva dolazio do vazduha.

Posle jedne takve naporne šetnje, odlučio je da potpuno promeni svoj načimn života i za samo za pet meseci skine sav višak kilograma koje je imao!

Piterson je otkrio da je kilograme izgubio zahvaljujući keto dijeti i intezivnom, napornom vežbanju. Svakog dana vežabo bi bar sat vremena, a uz to je i imao ture pešačenja koje su trajale dva sata.

The truth of the matter is we all are in a place of transformation. . Transforming is nothing to be ashamed of. . Because if we are not in a place of transition... . Then we are standing still. . Like our feet are plastered to a singular place. . That place of standing still isn’t in quiet reflection either. . It’s a place of suffocating internal madness. . It’s a place where we feel stagnant and unimportant. . If you have ever felt this or feel this know you aren’t alone. . Also know YOU CAN make a change. . If not now then when? Why not right now? Do not waste another day of your life wishing for something! Take your life into your own hands! My gosh! Life is too short to waste the opportunities right in front of your face right now!!!! Quit wasting opportunities to make your life better!!! . N o O pportunity W asted You have to change! If you don’t change the next 5 years of your life will likely be exactly like the last 5 years! YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Make a choice to change something RIGHT NOW! You don’t like your body, make a change. Throw away the junk food. The fact that you are not happy has NOTHING to do with what you have or do not have. You are unhappy because your life doesn’t match the way you think it should be. You have an idea of what you and your life should be like... . If I can do it, or someone else can do it. YOU CAN TOO!!! Do something NOW that confirms in your head and your heart that you mean business! Quit lying to yourself. Quit short changing yourself. DO SOMETHING NOW!!! . #hardestworkerintheroom #dothework #nevergiveup #dowork #wedothework

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On je istakao da je ključ uspeha da iza namere da se transformišete stoji dobar i jak motiv koji će vas gurati napred. Printscreen/Instagram

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