
NOGE SU JOJ SA 20 GODINA BILE PUNE CELULITA: Sad imam 43 godine i nikada nisam bila ZGODNIJA! Evo šta jedem baš SVAKI DAN

Žena -

Nastavnica fizičkog vaspitanja kaže da se u 43. godini oseća bolje i izgleda bolje nego kada je bila dvadesetogodišnjakinja. Belinda Norton iz Kvislenda u Australiji nesebično je na Instagramu podelila najvažnije cake njene dobre linije i zdravog života.

Belinda Norton koja na Instagramu ima 61.000 pratilaca, ne krije je da je kao 21-godišnja devojka imala celulit, zbog čega se stidela da pokazuje noge. Danas ih ponosno ističe, a do fit linije doveo ju je gubitak kilograma (19 kg) ili tačnije zdrava ishrana koja se sastoji od borovnica koje jede svakog dana, spanać koji konzumira pet puta nedeljno, masniji losos koji se na njenom tanjiru nalazi dva puta u toku jedne nedelje i povrće kojeg ima u svakom njenom obroku.

Want to know - how to cardio correctly? When completing cardio always use intensity especially as a female. We are born endurance athletes and the only way to improve body composition is cardio with varying speed. I complete cardio everyday for 30 minutes in the weekday mornings before breakfast & work. (I have to get up earlier & I set an alarm and it is truly hard somedays) but I do not ever think - ‘gee.. I wish I slept in’. Good routines and body habits are built before breakfast - body & mind. ▪️Weekend cardio includes: morning cardio approx 45mins and then added bike rides or outdoor adventures. I also complete cardio intensity like this plyometric efforts set. I try to do this once a week. I makes a big difference to the body shape and my fitness level and it costs not one cent. ➕b.30mins b.non-stop speed intense •10 shuttle runs with 10 burpees at each end of court (take first 2 easier - as warm up) •10 side squat jumps •10 walking lunges •10 push ups •10 curtsy lunges •10 bear crawls (knee to elbow) •10 abs flutter kicks •1 min plank •10 abs cycle crunches to straight leg holds ↪️Repeat 3~4 times. No equipment just determined will to achieve. ↪️Don’t forget warm down with stretches at home. #blivewear #fitmama #transformation #healthy #squat #yoga #hitt #motherhood #womensfitness #40plus #fitspo #motivation #homeexercise #foodie #homeworkout #author #trainer

Објава коју дели BELINDA NORTON (@belinda.n.x) дана

"Pokušajte da manje trčite. Shvatila sam da je preterano trčanje kontraproduktivno za najbolji oblik tela", napisala je mama dvoje tinejdžera Belinda Norton koja je sastavila i vodič od osam koraka koji vodi do sjajne forme

Ne gubite vreme "Shvatila sam da je život izuzetno kratak i ako budem imala sreće da doživim 80 godina... Prešla sam pola puta i ne žalim ni za čim".

Brinite o sebi "Zdravlje se ne može kupiti, pa ako ne učinite ništa za sebe, niko drugi to neće uraditi".

Prioritet dajte ishrani "Hrana je mnogo važnija od vežbanja, a voda još najvažnija za kožu i funkcionisanje organizma".

Izbegavajte stres "Stres nam samo oduzima dobre trenutke iz života, krade nam vreme i uzrokuje bolesti".

Podižite tegove "Redovno dižite tegove i uvek se istežite". Budite zahvalni na onome što imate "Setite se svake večeri barem dva dobra trenutka i budite zahvalni na tome".

Sunce uvek sija "Sunce će vam dati energiju, a izlazak sunca pružiće optimizam".

Budite svoji "Budite iskreni i nikada ne sumnjajte u svoje sposobnosti".

The fact is this is not a transformation photo of physical characteristics even though I know it will be judged as BEFORE and AFTER . (Cue - hate mail; cue fat is fabulous ...body shaming of all types etc) but thank you to those who comment who seek to understand and can be open to all differences. Ahh Maturity ?? This is a photo of confidence characteristics & of internal health; posture; and mental wellness because I cannot cut myself open so you can see the truth. If I could - I would. ↪️I would share the absolute fear I had of success, the shame I held for giving up; I would share my mum guilt and hurt, I would share my traditional upbringing that we 70’s women had to quickly adapt to in a new world of thinking. I would share my personal uncertainty of how I could fit in a life around two kids and working full time as I had to work. I would share my fear of my husband cheating again, I would share my internal fight. I would endure the embarrassment of everyone knowing of the deceit. But could it be seen? No - because we hide that good stuff deep inside. We don’t want to share that. ▪️So here goes .. 29 years old vs 43 years old What changed? a lot! A lot in the society, a lot in relationships, a lot in media and a lot in me. The most important change is my confidence in my body & mind was getting up every day happy, energised, vibrant, going to the bathroom daily (to do number two) regularly and my mobility (zero pain from back/hip/knee or skin issues from eczema) ↪️It was ONLY five things I changed: Read the full details - ↪️But the key fact is: I'm the healthiest I've ever been- from the inside out. Why... because I chose to find my best health in the right food for me and the right fitness. It is not magic; it is not photoshop; it just me b. raw real & blissfully happy. b.x ↪️The full blog - ▪️The Raw and Real Transformation - click in bio - #blivewear #fitmama #transformation #healthy #squat #hitt #motherhood #womensfitness #40plus #fitspo #motivation #homeexercises

Објава коју дели BELINDA NORTON (@belinda.n.x) дана

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