Foto: AMG

PLANT A TREE CONTINUES WITH BIGGEST PLANTING ACTION: We plant trees at 100 locations between October and March 2021


The new, second round of the project Plant A Tree will be launched at the initial 24 locations in October, which is when we will begin collecting seeds. We will move on from there and plant trees until late March 2021. This year we will complete the entire process: collecting seeds, sowing, and then planting saplings between November and late March next year. We have a lot of work to do, but we know that together we can do anything.

We would like to invite everyone in Serbia – families, couples, friends, colleagues, and all people of good faith to join us, plant a tree, and contribute personally to making Serbia greener, healthier, and more prosperous.

foto: Zorana Jevtić

What do you need to do?

Follow the announcements on, where you can find all the information about how the planting is organized. Late every month we will post location lists for the following month. All those wishing to join should find their municipality and follow the instructions in order to register in time. Because of the current health situation, this year we will plant trees at more locations with fewer volunteers.

The Plant A Tree action was launched last year by Adria Media Group and the company dm-drogerie markt, with the following partner institutions: The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Management – The Forest Administration, PE Srbijašume, PE Vojvodinašume, The Serbian Reforestation Movement, The Serbian Chamber of Commerce, and Jevremovac Botanical Garden. Owing to citizen volunteers, a record has been set in large-scale reforestation actions in Serbia: over 51,000 new trees were planted on a single day. This year, institutional support has also been provided by the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade and the School of Forestry in Kraljevo.

All tree-planting actions will be organized depending on the epidemiological situation and in line with official recommendations. Photo: Kurir