MMA ZVER KOJOJ SE DIVI CEO SVET! Ima 45. godina a izgleda kao TERMINATOR! Rivale hvata jeza od njegovih ČELIČNIH MIŠIĆA!
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MMA ZVER KOJOJ SE DIVI CEO SVET! Ima 45. godina a izgleda kao TERMINATOR! Rivale hvata jeza od njegovih ČELIČNIH MIŠIĆA!

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Nedavno je proslavio svoj 45. rođendan, a izgleda bolje nego ikada u karijeri.

Najpoznatiji kamerunski MMA borac, Alain Ngalani, i u petoj deceniji života oduševljava ljubitelje borilačkih veština svojim impresivnim izgledom.

Popularni "Panter" vredno trenira, a rezultati napornog rada su itekako vidljivi na njegovom telu.

Healthy Habits – 5 Keys To A Healthy Diet 1) Keep An Eye On Portions We know we aren’t going to monitor every calorie that goes into our body, but one thing that is easy to manage is our portion control. We tend to eat far too much per meal and the result is our stomach stretching and our mind feeling we need to keep eating. A good practice to limit our food consumption is to eat slower. 2) Eat Plenty Of Produce Vegetables and fruit offer amazing health benefits. Shoot for 2.5 cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruit per day. The nutrients, fibers and other compounds in fruits and vegetables have been proven to help protect agains certain types of cancer and other diseases. 3) Eat Whole Grains All types of grains are good sources of complex carbohydrates and some key vitamins and minerals. Grains are also naturally low in fat. All of this makes grains a healthy option. Better yet, they’ve been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers and other health problems. 4) Eat Plenty Of Fish & Nuts Nuts, fatty fish, avocados and vegetable oils supply healthy unsaturated fats. these foods, though high in calories, tend not to promote weight gain because they are satisfying. Still, it’s best to eat them in place of other high-calorie foods. For instance, substitute olive or canola oil for butter. Fatty fish helps reduce heart disease risks and has other benefits, largely because of its omega-3 polyunsaturated fats. 5) Get Rid Of Trans Fats Trans fats are supplied by partially hydrogenated vegetable oils used in many processed foods and fast foods (such as French fries). Trans fats raise bad cholesterol and also reduce good cholesterol, increasing the risk of heart disease. . . . . . #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthyeating #healthyliving #healthyhabits #fit #health #happy #tips #training #mma #boxing #kickboxing #karate #muaythai #wrestling #jiujitsu #athlete #worldchampion #onechampionship

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Kamerunac je nedavno na svom Instagram profilu objavio fotografije i snimke sa treninga i tako izazvao brojne pozitivne reakcije ljubitelja borilačkih veština.

Podsetimo, Ngalani je nedavno oduševio svetsku javnost jednim originalnim snimkom iz metroa. Panter je našao rešenje za neposlušne građane koji u javni prevoz ulaze bez zaštitne maske. Pokazao je kako on rešava taj problem...

Snimak je ekspresno postao viralni hit.

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