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Košarka -

Život Lamara Odoma teško da bi mogao da se prikaže u jednom filmu.

Pravi serijal bi mogao da se napravi o košarkašu koji iza sebe ima 14 godina dugu NBA karijeru i veliki broj burnih skandala.

1 year ago today @lamarodom and I started dating !!! The first pic was the very first pic that was ever taken of us. Back when I was still tryna play things cool lol. The second pic was our very first date and you can see our body language changed a lot!!! That is when we discovered that being around basketball and drinking red wine were two of our favorite things to do (our first date consisted of both things that night). . . A lot of people have asked me “how did I know he was the one”? I’ve been waiting to share this answer for quite some time now. The truth is, Lamar made sacrifices for me that no man has ever made! . . When I met him, he was living in LA and I was living in Atl. He was dealing with multiple women, wasn’t working out, didn’t eat healthy and was kind of all over the place ??‍♀️I had a lot of boundaries when I met him. I didn’t want to seriously date any man that lived out of state. I didn’t want a man living in my place. I didn’t want to have sex with him. I didn’t want to date a man that dealt with multiple women. I didn’t want to date a man that was so self absorbed that he couldn’t tap into my interest and activities. . . So you know what Lamar did? He moved to Atl and rented an air bnb for him to stay in. He met me at the gym everyday to workout with me and even started trying all my healthy smoothies and food. He changed his phone number and cut off contact with previous women. He patiently worked around my busy schedule with my two kids and niece living with me at the time. He also learned how to be intimate with me without having sex! With all that, I was like “aight, I guess I’ll give this a real try lol”. . . This year has been extremely adventurous and imperfect for us! (Major emphasis on imperfect lol). No matter what, I’m truly thankful for the time we’ve had so far and looking forward to our future! . . I am by no means an expert at relationships, but one piece of advice I’d like to give women is this; Set your boundaries and stick to them! If they want you, they will respect them and stick around. If not, they aren’t the right one for you anyway! . . 1 year down baby! I love you @lamarodom ??? . . #blacklove

Објава коју дели Sabrina Parr (@getuptoparr) дана

Odom je, kako je tvrdio, spavao sa više od 2.000 žena tokom karijere, a jedno je vreme bio u braku sa Kloi Kardašijan.

Ipak, sada je našao svoj mir u vezi sa bivšom košarkašicom Sabrinom Par. Zbog nje se iz Los Anđelesa preselio u Atlantu, gde zajedno žive a planiraju i venčanje.

"Naučio je da bude intiman sa mnom bez potrebe za seksom. Iskreno sam zahvalana na vremenu koje smo proveli zajedno i radujem se budućnosti", rekla je bivša košarkašica.

Bivši košarkaš LA Lejkersa je 2015. godine bio na ivici smrti, pošto su ga u jednom bordelu našli drogiranog bez svesti. Bio je nekoliko dana u komi i jedva preživeo.

U svojoj autobiografiju pod nazivom "Od tame do svetla", a otkrio je i neke najzanimljivije detalje iz knjige.

"Kada bih morao da izračunam koliko sam potrošio na drogu, to bi bio iznos od oko 100.000.000 dolara", šokirao je Odom izjavom.

Zanimljivo, nekada najbolji šesti igrač lige, igrajući za Lejkerse, Kliperse, Majami, Dalas... zaradio je oko 113 miliona dolara. Dakle, gotovo sve je spiskao na drogu.

Verovali ili ne, to nije najšokantnije priznanje.

"Dešavalo se da imam seks i sa šest različitih žena nedeljno, svaki put bez zaštite. Tako da sam morao da platim priličan broj pobačaja. Trebale su mi te žene, one su bile izlaz, nisam mogao kući da se vratim sam", ističe Odom.

Imao je opravdanje i za zavisnost.

"Nasledio sam to od oca. I on je bio zavisnik. Dobio sam njegov gen. Stvari su se pogoršale kada mi je umro šestomesečni sin. Bio je to najgori trenutak u mom životu, potonuo sam."

Odom je otkrio i kada je prvi put probao kokain.

"Dogodilo se to kada sam imao grupni seks sa nekoliko žena. Nako toga svi moji demoni bili su pušteni s lanca. Postao sam profesionalac u skrivanju svoje zavisnosti od supruge Kloi Kardašijan. Dugo joj je trebalo da otkrije. Znate, ne želite da vam supruga zna da šmrčete kokain i spavate sa drugim ženama."

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