IZGUBILA JE 8 KILOGRAMA ZA MESEC DANA: A nije držala dijetu! Evo u čemu je njena tajna! (FOTO)
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IZGUBILA JE 8 KILOGRAMA ZA MESEC DANA: A nije držala dijetu! Evo u čemu je njena tajna! (FOTO)

Žena -

Australijanka Adele Barbaro (35) uspela je da smrša osam kilograma za samo četiri nedelje.

Majka dvoje dece se odrekla samo nezdrave hrane i vina naveče, pa je tako izgledala osam godina mlađe.

Ona je nedavno objavila fotografiju svoje vitke figure na Instagramu dok u rukama drži dve velike kese krompira.

"Četiri nedelje i dve velike kese krompira", kratko je napisala te dodala fotografiju pre i posle kako bi uporedila razliku.

I am always sharing with you all the hard times and the hurdles…. today I am sharing a win. . I’ve been in a bit of a rutt for a few months but I just couldn’t get my way out of it. Many of you have picked up on it and have noticed I have been flat. I have appreciated your messages and support. It all started back in December when I reduced breastfeeding. I had a massive hormonal shift and come January, I ceased feeding all together. I was not prepared for how it would hit me emotionally. On top of this low, I was all of a sudden flat out. Paul was working away and I was managing two kids, a home and a job on my own and I was just treading water. As a result, I stopped looking after me. I started skipping breakfast and then, I was eating indulgent lunches and dinners- often washed down with a wine. I was getting flushed and anxious all the time, sleeping terribly and was doing zero physical exercise. . As the months went on, so did the weight and the bloat and my emotional well-being declined also. Fuck I felt flat. I was waking up feeling low and telling myself I wanted to make a change but as the busy day went on, the motivation disappeared and that cycle just went round and round. If you have felt like I did, you will relate that it is hard to get out of. And you can’t do it for anyone else. You have to do it when you are ready. But I really needed a kick start and in all honesty a kick up the butt. And two weeks ago I found the motivation to make some changes. Not for the blog or for anyone else, but for me. . I started an eating plan but I didn’t share it with you. Why? Because to be honest, I didn’t think I was going to stick it out. So I have plotted along quietly and determined. After 3 days, I would usually fall off the wagon but instead, I was getting more determined. I was already losing weight and not by using shakes, diet pills, skinny teas or weight loss bars- by eating real food. I kinda like my food ;) . I removed the autumn leaves from my old, faded trainers on the porch and went for a few walks when the kids went to bed. I think Paul was in as much shock as my feet were.... continued in comments . @befitfoodaustralia $35 off use code TRM35

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Ona je za Daily Mail otkrila svoju filozofiju mršavljenja.

"Bila sam prezasićena i sebe sam stavljala na poslednje mesto. Uvek sam od sutra išla na dijetu, a kako su dani prolazili, imala sam sve manju motivaciju. Jela sam sve i svašta, puno pila, nisam vežbala niti dobro spavala. Koža mi je bila u groznom stanju. Počela sam da preskačem doručak, a jela sam obilne ručkove i večere, a sve to zalivala vinom", priznaje blogerka.

Sve se dodatno pogoršalo kad su joj hormoni podivljali nakon što je prestala da doji. Počela je da se goji, a onda je konačno odlučila da uzme stvar u svoje ruke.

Promenila je plan ishrane i počela da šeta nakon što bi uspavala decu. Oslanjala se na program jedne internet stranice rezultati su, kaže, došli brže nego što se nadala.

"Za dve nedelje izgubila sam 5,25 kg. Da, celu kesu krompira", pohvalila se.

Do kraja prvog meseca novog režima, mlada je majka izgubila 7,8 kg i preko 10 posto masnoće. Time se biološki pomladila za osam godina jer je sa 74,6 kg došla na 66,8 kg, rekla je.

Uglavnom za doručak jedem španski omlet, goveđi kari za ručak, za užinu ubacim proteine, a za večeru spremim tajlandsku piletinu. Ako želim, počastim se i čizkejkom za desert", opisuje Adele svoju ishranu.

Kurir.rs/Net.hr/Foto: Profimedia

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